Contact Us
We are open to ideas, feedback and your responses. Talk to us and we’ll get back to you.

    You can get in touch with us by using the contact form or simply email us at

    Head Office
    Financial Access Consulting Services BV
    Anthony Fokkerweg 1
    1059 CM Amsterdam
    The Netherlands
    Tel. +31 (0)20-572 0760

    Financial Access East Africa Ltd
    Crawford Business Park
    1st Floor Block C Suite 10, State House Road
    P.O. Box 21934-00505
    Tel. +254 724 114 111

    Financial Access West Africa
    c/o IFDC
    Rue L155 – Voie de la 7eme Tranche, en face de la COOPEC, Cocody
    P.O. Box 21934-00505,
    01 BP 3726 Abidjan
    Cote d’Ivoire
    Tel. +225 (0) 27 22 45 06 38