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Sat4Business Project – Smallholder Lending Pilot, Ghana

5 January 2021


We have made excellent progress with the Sat4Business smallholder lending pilot in Ghana, where we signed a pioneering services agreement with Advans Ghana Savings & Loans, a subsidiary of the Advans Microfinance Network. Advans Ghana Savings & Loans has since 2017 been offering financial services to smallholder farmers through its value chain financing approach.  As part of the lending pilot, FAC

2SCALE Project – Accelerate Financial Inclusion of MSMEs/SMEs, Kenya

5 January 2021


2SCALE is an incubator program that aims to improve the terms of inclusion of smallholder farmers and other MSMEs in target food value chains. Our common goal is to enhance this by aiming at matching the financial demand side from the 2SCALE business champions both MSMEs and SMEs with the supply-side which includes impact investment funds, crowdfunding platforms, and financial institutions that po

SURPASS Study for Access to Finance Mechanism – Field Visit to Sumatra, Indonesia

16 November 2020


Last week we traveled to Sumatra to conduct a field visit where we met different rubber stakeholders, including smallholders, cooperatives, and the local government. Together with our partner SNV we are working on a feasibility study to assess a viable financing mechanism for rubber smallholders on Sumatra.

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We work with partners across the globe to build capacity, bridge the gap & accelerate financial inclusion